IMPORTANT NOTICE: Cambridge, Oxford, Hodder, Collins and other international educational publishers are having delays with the incoming shipments from the US/UK. Some books have a 8-10 week ETA. Contact us for availability before ordering to avoid disappointment.

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Early Years

Please note that we do not keep stock on hand. All titles are ordered upon your request (some being international). This allows us to offer you unparalleled variety.

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Picture of New All-In-One Activity Book for Pre-schoolers 1 (full-colour with 45 3-D activities & lesson plans)
Die NUWE ALLES-IN-EEN Voorskoolse Aktiwiteitsboek is saamgestel om ouers/opvoeders/praktisyne/versorgers te help wat hul kinders 'n voorsprong wil gee. Hierdie aktiwiteitsboek is saamgestel volgens NCF vir kinders van geboorte to vier jaar. verskaf aktiwiteite wat praktiese vaardighede ontwikkel. sluit Vroeë leer- en ontwikkelingareas (ELDA's) in. help kleuters/jong kinders ontwikkeling aan. moedig kreatiwiteit & kleinspierontwikkeling aan. sluit 2D- & 3D-aktiwiteite in.
R 156.80
Picture of New All-In-One Activity Book for Pre-schoolers 2 (full-colour with 30 3-D activities & lesson plans)
Die tweede aktiwiteitsboek sluit aan by temas wat in die eerste boek gedoen is, en brei daarop uit met dertig splinternuwe volkleuraktiwiteite. 'n Verwyderbare handleiding in die middel van dié boek bied praktiese wenke vir elke aktiwiteit/tema. Wenke word byvoorbeeld gegee vir bewegingsaktiwiteite, liedjies en rympies en die oordra van algemene agtergrondkennis. Temas wat behandel word, sluit in: "Goggas", "Water", "My klere en liggaam", "Plaasdiere", "Diere wat binne en buite die water woon".
R 168.00
Picture of New All-In-One Grade R Big Book 01: Busy children
The Big Books • suit the learner's stage of development, life experiences and _ eld of interest • complement and enrich the topics chosen for Home Language • contain a wide variety of text types, e.g. stories, factual texts, rhymes, riddles • are illustrated so that visual literacy is promoted • contain removable pages with resources for the teacher
R 336.00
Picture of New All-In-One Grade R Big Book 02: Going to school
The Big Books • suit the learner's stage of development, life experiences and _ eld of interest • complement and enrich the topics chosen for Home Language • contain a wide variety of text types, e.g. stories, factual texts, rhymes, riddles • are illustrated so that visual literacy is promoted • contain removable pages with resources for the teacher
R 336.00
Picture of New All-In-One Grade R Big Book 03: A wild, wild wind!
The Big Books • suit the learner's stage of development, life experiences and _ eld of interest • complement and enrich the topics chosen for Home Language • contain a wide variety of text types, e.g. stories, factual texts, rhymes, riddles • are illustrated so that visual literacy is promoted • contain removable pages with resources for the teacher
R 336.00
Picture of New All-In-One Grade R Big Book 04: Let’s go! Let’s go!
The Big Books • suit the learner's stage of development, life experiences and _ eld of interest • complement and enrich the topics chosen for Home Language • contain a wide variety of text types, e.g. stories, factual texts, rhymes, riddles • are illustrated so that visual literacy is promoted • contain removable pages with resources for the teacher
R 336.00